August 23, 2013
WETIA presented its education technology workshop at the triennial General Assembly of the Asia Theological Association (ATA) held in Jakarta, Indonesia from August 12-16, 2013.
The presentation entitled “Using Technology to Communicate Contemporarily” was delivered by WETIA Executive Director Dr. Walker Tzeng. Held over two days, the presentation attracted nearly 100 attendants of the conference which consisted of representatives from ATA members, of which there are over 200 institutions.
The education technology workshops are designed to introduce schools the basics of online education and technology tools and schools on how to get started in online education with free and low-cost, available tools.
Following the conference, WETIA will follow up with many of the Asian institutions who expressed a need for further assistance and consultation.
In the past year, WETIA has offered similar workshops for the International Council for Evangelical Theological Association and the Caribbean Evangelical Theological Association.